The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Reduce Pain & Move With Ease

Learn simple exercises to reduce pain, change unhealthy habitual movement patterns and reset your body to move with more ease, even as you get older.

What might your life be like if you could reduce or even get over chronic pain or injury?

Back pain, sciatica, hip pain, knee pain and foot issues are common symptoms. They're often debilitating, tiring and frustrating. 

How often have you had to pull out of your favourite hobby, stop exercising or even go to bed early because of the pain?

Even if you're not sporty or a fan of fitness, managing pain or a long-term injury just sucks the joy out of life and makes everything feel harder. Maybe it feels like your body is broken or fighting you.

Too often, we assume or are told that pain and loss of mobility are a sign of getting older and that we just have to live with it.

The truth is that your body can heal itself, given the right circumstances and input. The quality of neuroplasticity tells us that the brain and nervous system are  capable of adapting at any age.

Chronic pain and recurring injuries often have a root cause in the body using compensatory movement strategies to cope with stress or an injury. Muscles brace to protect the injured area. This is helpful in the short-term, but sometimes the body doesn't return back to how it originally moved, even after the original injury has healed.

If you continue to compensate or guard, it will lead to muscle tension, stiffness, loss of function and pain if you keep repeating them. This phenomenon is called "sensory motor amnesia", where you're no longer aware that you're doing the unhelpful pattern any more because it's become your normal. 

This is what keeps you stuck in chronic pain, stops an injury from getting better or makes movement uncomfortable.

Who Is This Workshop For?

This course will help you if you have:

  • Back pain or sciatic pain, including the non-specific, "can't see much on scans but it definitely hurts" type of back ache
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Foot issues, like bunion toes or flat arches
  • Hip hitch
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Unlevel shoulders
  • Stiff neck
  • Chronic pain 
  • Stubbornly "tight" muscles that resist all efforts to stretch them or feel worse after a massage
  • "Glute amnesia" or weak Glutes
  • Recurring injuries 
  • Tension headaches
  • An interest in maintaining your mobility as you get older and reducing the risk of getting injured

In this 6 week course you'll explore:

The BYB Method

The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method is a system to help you find the areas of tension in your body and how to consciously release them, so you can successfully manage your pain and take back control of your body.

The BYB Method has 4x pillars:

  1. Body
  2. Breath
  3. Be
  4. Bond

Each pillar is designed to bring your brain, nervous system and body into a state of safety and calm, which promotes healing. 

As you release held patterns of stress from your body, you'll feel tension melting away from your muscles. Your body will feel lighter and movement easier.

At the heart of The BYB (Befriend Your Body) Method are gentle yet powerful movement explorations using the principles of somatics, in particular a technique called pandiculation, often referred to as "nature's reset reflex"

What You'll Learn in the 6 Week Course

Each week there will be a 1 hour in-person class with an additional 15 mins at the end for Q&A and discussion. During these classes we'll explore a part of the body, using simple movement techniques. 

You'll learn how to sense patterns of tension and relaxation in each area, and most importantly, techniques to release them consciously and voluntarily.

The in-person classes are supported by additional resources including:

  • A recording of the class, in case you miss a week or would to repeat the session at your own convenience
  • Anatomy videos or diagrams to deepen your knowledge of the neuromuscular system and movement
  • A short home practice that you can also use as a self-care maintenance programme
  • Quiz questions to encourage self awareness and enhance learning
  • Access to me if you need help or support during the course


The course starts on Sunday 24th September, 1pm to 2pm + 15 mins at the end for Q&A

1) Week 1 = Introduction / Head / Neck / The 3x Stress Reflexes.

  • How to balance your head to reduce neck tension
  • Exercises to release neck tension to reduce stress and anxiety
  • The 3x Stress Reflexes and how they can lead to pain, stiffness and loss of function

2) Week 2 = Shoulders / Arms / Ribs

  • Release tension from your rib cage to stand taller and breathe easier
  • Release stress from your shoulder muscles to restore comfort and movement to your arms and shoulders
  • Free your posture from the shackles of spending hours at your computer or sitting in your car with your shoulders hunched and body slumped
  • Find freedom in the middle of your body for easier turning, twisting, breathing and moving

3) Week 3 = Spine / Breathing / Stress Relief

  • Release tension from your back muscles to allow your spine to move with more comfort and ease
  • Learn a simple breathing technique for stress relief, better sleep and cultivate positive, healing emotions like gratitude, compassion and love
  • Increase Heart Coherence and understand it's role in reducing chronic pain, stress and anxiety. 
  • Use HRV to monitor the resilience of your nervous system and develop an optimal internal environment for self healing

4) Week 4 = Jaw / Eyes / Nervous System

  • Release stored emotional stress and tension from the muscles of your jaw, face and eyes
  • Create a deep sense of safety and calm in your nervous system that promotes tissue repair and healing
  • Learn simple vagus nerve toning exercises to improve your ability to self regulate and reduce nervous anxiety

5) Week 5 = Hips / Pelvis / Core Stability

  • Meet Psoas major, a big player in trunk stability and movement
  • Explore the connection of your legs to your spine and how this influences the movement and stability of your entire body
  • Understand why the pelvis is the epicentre of your body's ability to manage load and control movement
  • Learn a new way to stabilise your core without bracing the back and abdominal muscles, which leads to stiffness, tension and restricts freedom of movement

6) Week 6 = Feet / Ankles / Course Review

  • Connect your feet to the centre of your body for improved stability and balance
  • Feel more grounded by exploring how your feet interact with the floor underneath you, cultivating a sense of safety when standing and moving
  • Experience how your feet steer the rest of your body in and out of the stress reflexes
  • Reflect on what you've learned during the course, and what's possible for you in the future now you can move with more ease and freedom


Angmering Community Centre

Foxwood Avenue


BN16 4FU


There are just 6 spaces to allow time to explore the movement exercises, discussion and Q&A.

If you're ready to take action and become friends with your body again click on the 'Book Now' button to reserve your space today.

How Much?

Your investment for the 6 week course including lifetime access to all the class recordings, supporting videos, diagrams and home practices is:

One payment of £257.00 or a payment plan of either 2 / 3 / 4 payments.

On the payment plans, the payments will be deducted monthly.

Other payment plans can be discussed.

What Others Say

What did you most enjoy or find helpful about your experience working with Norma?

"Norma treats everyone as an individual and supports each persons goals. There is no one size fits all. Very inspirational". ~Sue Acaster

"Clear, friendly instructions with useful tips and interesting background details on exercises/posture etc..". ~Tracy F.

"My sleep pattern has definitely improved". ~Anne

"Fun, friendly, inclusive" ~Liz 

What did you most enjoy about the event you attended?

"The whole day was so enjoyable" ~Mike

"All of it. The location, accommodation and Yoga. Really well organised and executed". ~Rachel Hilton

"It was the first time that I had experienced the sound bath technique. It made me feel very peaceful, relaxed and tranquil." ~Cynthia

"Great experience and and interesting" ~Jane C.

"Everything was lovely, location was local, easy access with free parking, food was very yummy, yoga very relaxing" ~ Liz G.

Modules for this course 6
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Payment Options

 Single Payment
 £ 257.00 GBP
 Payment Plan - 2x Payments
 £ 128.50 GBP  ( then £128.50 GBP for 1 months )
 Payment Plan - 3x Payments
 £ 85.67 GBP  ( then £85.67 GBP for 2 months )
 Payment Plan - 4x Payments
 £ 64.25 GBP  ( then £64.25 GBP for 3 months )

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Credit/Debit Card
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The event may not run if minimum numbers aren't met. If this happens you'll given a credit to book onto another retreat or event.

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