Back Pain Relief Course

  • Do you have a sore, achy back that's stopping you from living your best life?
  • Does your back feel stiff after hours sitting at a computer or driving your car? 
  • Have you had to cut an exercise session short, or ease off, because your back started hurting?

The Back Pain Relief Course will coach you through simple home exercises that will:

  1. Help to ease painful muscle spasms in your lower back
  2. Get you moving so you can continue with your plans
  3. Form a simple, quick back care and mobility maintenance programme that you can easily fit into your normal routine

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the causes of specific lower back pain
  • Recognise the reasons why non-specific lower back pain can flare periodically, sometimes at random
  • Practice simple back care exercises that will safely get you back on your feet and moving
  • Formulate your own back care programme that suits your body and lifestyle
  • Feel less frustrated by flare ups of pain, and more confident about managing your back pain whilst staying active.

[NB] This course is designed for the relief of non-specific low back pain. If you have a diagnosis eg. ankylosing spondylolithesis, spinal canal stenosis etc. please consult with your doctor about the suitability of the exercises.

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 Back Pain Relief Course
 £ 15.00 GBP

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