Why Expectation Matters For Movement and Pain

The concept of Predictive Coding - think of the film "The Matrix" - is a fascinating model for movement and pain. Efficient movement relies on an accurate perception of where your body is in space and being able to coordinate different areas of your body into a cohesive, fluid movement pattern. This skill is called proprioception. Pain is the brain's interpretation of how much danger the body is in. Predictive coding is the science of perception. By understanding how our brains use predictive ...

Does Cognitive Therapy Work For Chronic Pain?

Have you heard of Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT)? CFT is being promoted as an alternative to the current usual methods of treating low back pain, such as manual therapy, analgesic drugs, exercise, spinal injections, acupuncture and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). But does it actually work, and how effective is CFT for reducing chronic low back pain? What is CFT? CFT is Cognitive Functional Therapy - an approach that follows the Biopsychosocial model of pain: CFT aims to help expose ...

You Can Reduce Pain Yourself - Yes, Really!

Today I'm giving you the power to bring yourself out of pain. We're conditioned to believe that we have to go to a doctor to feel better when we're sick, or to a soft tissue therapist (physio / osteopath / massage therapist) when we get injured. And yes, there are definitely times when this is necessary. But there's also something disempowering in this message - that you're powerless to help yourself and need someone else to save you. I can absolutely tell you that you are NOT powerless. You're ...

Joint Surgery For Pain - Read This First!

Did you know that orthopaedic surgeries can be performed on patients without any clinical proof that they actually work?! In fact there's a growing body of evidence that many of the most commonly performed joint surgeries have no more success in relieving pain and restoring function than a placebo treatment. A 2021 meta-analysis study (1) published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) states that musculoskeletal conditions accounted for over 25% of all surgeries performed by the NHS. This same ...

What Lottery Winners Can Teach Us About Pain

I expect you've all heard stories about lottery winners who hit the jackpot BIG TIME, only to lose all of their prize winnings a few months later and end up back where they started,There's a reason for this, and it's a massive part of the puzzle to finding long-lasting relief from persistent pain. Here it is:It's not enough to want change. You need to actively create the change you desire. What do I mean by this? Lets think about those lucky people who win the lottery and win an insane amount ...

In Pain? Is This Keeping You Stuck?

There's a BIG element to persistent or recurring pain that almost no one talks about, and most health professionals won't have considered. If you're doing this thing it could be keeping you stuck in pain despite your best efforts to get out. Your brain and nervous system will ALWAYS try to keep you safe. They will protect you by keeping you where it feels familiar, even if that's somewhere you don't logically don't want to be or like. Familiar movement patterns, thoughts, sensations, emotions, ...

Can Sound Really Heal Your Body From Pain & Disease?

The use of sound to heal disease has been documented since time immemorial in ancient Indian, Chinese and Greek texts.Sound is also practiced in Yoga through mantras, chanting and pranayama (breath), which are used to change the state of your consciousness. Most ancient medical traditions are based on a holistic approach that focuses on restoring harmony between body, mind and spirit or soul. The Sanskrit word "Ayurveda" can be translated as "knowledge of life" ("ayus" = life and "veda" = ...

Mindful Meditation vs Medication - What's Best?

A 2022 peer reviewed study was the first randomised clinical trial (RCT) to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation with the anti-depressant drug escitalopram. The study conducted by researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center concluded that mindfulness meditation was as effective as the commonly prescribed anti-depressant escitalopram (Cipralex / Lexapro) in reducing anxiety after 8 weeks. How do the results of this study help with reducing pain and recovering from ...

The #1 Myth About Stretching

There's a popular belief, perpetuated by the health and fitness industry, that stretching helps with injury recovery and prevention.  Patients are often prescribed stretches by therapists as part of their rehabilitation programme, reinforcing this dogma. Actually there isn't any conclusive evidence showing that stretching is effective at preventing injury. If stretching really did work we'd all do our stretches and be pain / injury free forever. But sadly that rarely happens in real ...

Why Doesn't Pain Just Go Away?

There's a lot of advice out there to get out of pain - rest, take a pill, stretch, strengthen - they all sound so simple don't they?And yet, pain can linger or flare up repeatedly even after the original injury must have healed with time.So why does pain persist, and why isn't it as easy to get out of pain as you're led to believe.Pain is actually a complex phenomenon, meaning there are several factors that can contribute. These different factors can be grouped into 5x layers: Environment - ...


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