Blog Stiff or Tense? Stretching Won't Help: Here's Why!

Stiff or Tense? Stretching Won't Help: Here's Why!


If you're feeling stiff or tense, chances are you'll be told that you need to stretch your muscles more.

After a stretching session you feel great - taller, lighter and more mobile.....for a couple of days. But no matter how much you stretch the relief never seems to last for long.

So what will release tight, tense muscles effectively and safely?

Answer: Pandiculation - also known as "Nature's reset button".

This is where you intentionally contract your muscles, then slowly release and relax. Watch carefully, and you'll see all animals, including your pets, regularly pandiculate to stay mobile and discharge stress.

What Is Pandiculation?

Pandiculation is a technique that restores the connection between the brain's sensory-motor cortex and it's control of muscles, sensations and movement.

When you pandiculate, you're resetting muscle length and improving motor function. This stimulates the brain and nervous system to release chronic tension and regain voluntary control of the muscles for more efficient and pain-free movement.

All animals and babies naturally pandiculate to reset their bodies and nervous systems after sleeping or a period of high stress.

Why Can't You Just Stretch and Make The Muscle Longer?

Traditional static stretching methods focus on pulling the muscle to make it longer and more flexible.

Yet the effects are only temporary and the original stiffness invariably returns, no matter how much you stretch.

The answer to this lies in the Stretch Reflex.

I think of the stretch reflex as one of your body's safety protocols, a bit like ABS on your car which automatically activates the brakes on your car to prevent a collision.

When muscle spindles detect a change in length of a muscle, a signal is rapidly sent to the spinal cord to contract that muscle and resist the stretch. The stretch reflex is designed to prevent the muscle from being pulled too far from it's usual range and damaged.

The stretch reflex is also important in helping you stay upright and maintain a balanced posture. 

That satisfying (and sometimes uncomfortable) sensation you get when stretching is the stretch reflex being initiated.

When you try to stretch a chronically tense muscle, you're actually making it tighten even more as the stretch reflex causes it to spontaneously contract and resist the stretch!

How Does Pandiculation Work?

There are 3x stages to a pandiculation that effectively release chronic tension and restore muscle length for easier, efficient movements.

Stage 1: A contraction that's slightly higher than the existing tension

This sends clear sensory feedback to the brain, making it aware of the tension and reconnecting the sensory-motor cortex to the muscles.

Stage 2: A slow, controlled release

This phase allows your brain to notice the muscle releasing, returning voluntary control so you can dial down tension yourself any time.

Stage 3: Relaxation and rest

Relaxing the muscle completely (0% tone) and resting gives the brain and nervous system time to process and assimilate the sensory feedback from the pandiculation movement, consolidating the learning.

With time and practice, pandiculations will help you create a new resting length for your muscles that give lasting relief from tension, stiffness and stress. Pain and restriction are replaced by easy, efficient movements.

A Freestyle Pandiculation Exercise

This is a super exploration to introduce yourself to the skill of pandiculating, develop internal awareness of your body and release tension.

You'll learn your body's unique reflex patterns and how to release them to reduce tension and stress,

  • Lie down comfortably on your back on the floor (or any firm surface). Feel free to bend your knees if this is more comfortable for you. 
  • Scan your body without judgement or over-analysing. What are you noticing? Where does your body touch the floor, and where does it not touch? Is your attention being drawn to 1 part of the body? Are there any areas of your body you feel less connected to? Don't limit yourself - get curious!
  • Slowly contract and tighten your whole body (make sure to go slow so you don't cramp or spasm). This exercise is never painful.
  • What do you notice tightening or tensing?
  • Slowly and mindfully release your muscles all the way back to rest (0% tone / effort). What did you feel relaxing? Do any muscles not relax fully?
  • Repeat this 2-3x. 
  • What shape does your body make when you tighten?
  • Explore using half the effort / contraction - what do you now feel tightening and relaxing?
  • Repeat your body scan, noticing if anything has changed for you?

If you share your observations with me by email, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, I'll give you a follow-up exercise to explore.


If you're ready to find lasting freedom from chronic pain and stiffness, an awesome option is:

1) Unlock Your Body breakthrough session

This is a one-off powerful 1:1 session designed to help you understand the root triggers behind your persistent pain. A breakthrough session is ideal if you have a specific pain or injury that you're struggling to resolve, even if you've already tried other treatments.

We'll work together to find new ways of moving without pain. You'll leave with a deeper knowledge of what's driving pain in your body, and a clear action plan to get lasting relief. 

For some of my clients, a single session is enough to reset their body out of pain. For others, this is their first step to learning how to move their body without pain after months or years of struggling.

Apply HERE  and I'll be in touch to arrange an initial complementary consultation to discuss whether an Unlock Your Body breakthrough session will be a good fit for you. 

Other ways you can find help with managing pain or an injury are:

  • Book into a Stretch or Pilates class with me - these are a good introduction to some movement explorations from The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method for pain relief and relaxation. This is my signature framework that I use to help my clients get out of pain and back to the activities they love.
  • Come to my brand new class "Restorative Movement" at Field Place, Durrington. This starts on Thursday 2nd January from 7.15pm to 8pm.  
  • Subscribe HERE to receive "The Movement Chronicle", a free weekly e-newsletter delivering movement and pain relief truth bombs directly into your inbox every Monday morning,

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