Blog My #1 Tip For Pain-Free, Youthful Movement

My #1 Tip For Pain-Free, Youthful Movement


I bet you've heard this phrase at least once...  "Brace your core!". 

Many people come to my classes because they've told by their physio, osteopath or personal trainer that they need to make their core stronger to get out of pain.

And if that were really true, they'd all go on a 12 week core strengthening course and never be in pain again....except it rarely works out like that, does it?!

Did you know that a few years ago I was able to hold a forearm plank (hover) for 17.5 mins, and yet at the same time I had constant lower back pain every day!

The more people in chronic pain I've coached, and in finding a solution to my personal  back pain, I've realised that this obsession with bracing the core is actually making us stiffer and less mobile.

How Can Bracing Your Core Prolong Chronic Pain?

Have a look at the musculoskeletal system:

See how all of your muscles are connected to the centre of your body - the pelvis and spine - either directly or indirectly.

If your centre is tense, the periphery of your body (your arms and legs) will be stiff.

Let's look at some of these connections:

1) Front of the Body

Your upper abdominal 6 pack muscle (rectus abdominis) actually extends all the way from the pubic bone of your pelvis up to your breastbone (sternum) and ribs 5-7. It's job is to pull the ribs down and also help stabilise the pelvis when walking.

If this muscle is activated frequently, say you spend hours sitting, have a job involving heavy lifting or you often feel worried and anxious, it'll learn to contract reflexively without your brain's conscious awareness. You'll end up slouching, hunching your shoulders and pulling your head forwards. 

But look at what's also attached to the pelvis at the front of the body - the hip flexor muscles (Iliopsoas), adductor (inner thigh) muscles and the big quadriceps muscles of your thigh.

If your abdominals are constantly tense and pulling on your pelvis, this affects the lower limb muscles, how your legs move and your posture.

2) Back of the Body

At the back of the body we have some equally big, powerful muscles.

Take latissimus dorsi, which runs from the iliac crest of the posterior pelvis up to the lower thoracic vertebrae, ribs, scapula and finally inserting onto the underside of the upper arm bone (humerus) at the front.

If this large muscle becomes continuously contracted and tense, it can end up tethering the shoulder blade to the heavy pelvis, making lifting the arm overhead virtually impossible. This will give the impression of a "frozen shoulder", except the issue doesn't lie with the joint.

It's the misbehaving muscle that's making the shoulder stiff and restricting the arm's ability to move freely.

Now you're seeing the connections between the large, powerful trunk muscles and the limbs, I hope you're understanding why constantly bracing your core (ie. the midsection of your body) restricts normal movement and makes you more stiff.

Of course, there'll be times you need to brace. 

For example, if I'm teaching a BodyPump class, lifting a barbell and weights, I need to brace my core to maintain form and stability. But the class lasts 45 minutes, which is only a small fraction of my day!

Home Exploration Exercise

Try this simple exercise to find out if you're unconsciously holding onto the centre of your body:

  • Lie on your tummy, with your legs straight in a relaxed position and your forehead resting on your hands.
  • Slowly lift your forehead away from your hands. Notice what muscles you use to move your head and upper body.
  • Consciously relax your tummy muscles, letting your belly softly drop to the floor.
  • What do you notice when you relax your tummy muscles? 

Did you notice any of these happening?

  1. You're sucking your tummy in
  2. You can't relax your tummy muscles easily and they generally feel firm or hard
  3. When you relax your tummy muscles, your back muscles are able to lift your upper body more easily

If you answered "YES" to any of the above, it's likely that you're tensing the middle of your body.


If you're ready to find lasting relief from chronic pain and stiffness, I have a variety of options, that you can choose from:

1) Unlock Your Body breakthrough session

This is a one-off powerful 1:1 session designed to help you find the root drivers behind your persistent pain. A breakthrough session is ideal if you have a specific pain or injury that you're struggling to resolve, even if you've already tried other treatments.

We'll work together to find new ways of moving without pain. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of what's triggering pain in your body, and a clear action plan to get lasting relief. 

I have other 1:1 coaching options too, including a VIP immersive session as well as longer packages.  Your investment for 1:1  coaching with me starts from £50.

Apply HERE  and I'll be in touch to arrange an initial complementary consultation to discuss which option will be a good fit for you. 

2) Grab my free E-guide today "How to Get Relief From Back Pain and Muscle Tension in just 10 mins a Day". This informative guide introduces the 3x universal stress responses that lead to muscles getting stuck in contraction and locking you in chronic pain. There's 2x 10 mins video tutorials showing you how to effectively release muscle tension from the front and back of your body in the comfort of your home without expensive equipment or painful stretches. Download for instant access HERE

Other ways you can find help with managing pain or an injury are:

  • Book into a Stretch or Pilates class with me - these are a good introduction to the foundational principles of The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method for pain relief and relaxation. This is my signature framework that I use to help my clients get out of pain and back to the activities they love.
  • Subscribe HERE to receive "The Movement Chronicle", a weekly e-newsletter delivering movement and pain relief truth bombs directly into your inbox every Monday morning,

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